Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby Derby

G's new favorite home activity has swept the household. Baby Derby! Oliver and his dad came up with this one the other day when all of a sudden around the corner in a screeching turn came our little guy barreling across the living room floor in his Derby cart. He squeals and screams the faster they go.

Our son is going to be a daredevil. I can tell already. He loves to swing around, fall, be thrown up in the name it. Anything that could result in him getting hurt and me doing the infamous quick inhale of air while clutching my chest he is into. I'm already terrified for him. I do admit however, I'm a big fan of Baby Derby.

A little High Five action before starting. I hate it when that happens.
Looks like we need a pit stop repair.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Highchair Tears

Check out this angry, sad little face.

This sight is becoming a daily occurrence. We get this reaction lately when we are wrapping up meal time. Food has been a soothing factor for Gadisa since we met him, but really isn't it for any child this age?? On the other hand, I've read about adoptive children having issues with food. Gadisa just over eats. And then eats and eats some more. He's at a healthy weight now, but we are trying to come up with how to handle his angry cries for more food. When he screams, it's more like he's yelling at us for more food. We don't necessarily want to give him things when he's got this tone of crying/screaming with us and we know he's not hungry, he's just stocking up. It could be a reaction from his time in the orphanage and the association of hunger with food and the frequency or lack of when it was given. Or, it could be the toddler in him coming out to get what he wants when he wants it. Whatever the reason, this little man is pretty angry at his mama when he sees me going to wipe off his hands and face. Hopefully, this phase will wrap up soon. For now, we just calmly take him out of the high chair and walk around to calm him down and distract him with another activity. If you've got other suggestions, I'd love to hear them!